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Your teeth are enrobed with a modest layer of tooth enamel. This dense mineral structure is what gives your teeth the toughness needed to chew and process food as well as resist the occurrence of tooth decay. If you have inconsistencies in your daily oral hygiene regimen or if you frequently enjoy strong acidic foods and beverages, it could gradually start to weaken the mineral strength of your tooth enamel.

When this happens, you might experience tooth sensitivity problems and increase your risk of suffering cavities on multiple teeth. Yet you can counteract this demineralization effect by exposing your teeth to fluoride. This helps restore the microscopic mineral density of the tooth enamel to help prevent future cavities and tooth sensitivity.

If Dr. Don Schiess notices signs of weakened tooth enamel during your dental exam at Open Door Family Dentistry, he might recommend a fluoride treatment. This can be administered at the end of the checkup by pouring a small amount of concentrated fluoride gel into a tray that is held in your mouth for a few minutes.

It’s best to avoid eating or drinking for up to an hour after the treatment. This will allow the fluoride to deeply permeate your tooth enamel.

Going forward, you might want to consider making some minor lifestyle changes to maintain the strength of your tooth enamel. This might involve limiting your consumption of acidic foods and beverages. Brushing your teeth with a brand of fluoride toothpaste could also be very beneficial.

If you live in the Medford, Oregon, area and you’re concerned about preserving the strength of your tooth enamel, you should call 541-773-4073 to schedule a dental exam and fluoride treatment with Dr. Don Schiess.